
Company dynamics

2020 employee congress and summary and commendation conference were successfully held

2021-01-30 1008 字号 A- A A+

At the beginning of the new year, everything is renewed. At 4 p.m. on January 29, 2021, the 2020 employee congress and summary and commendation meeting were held in the conference room on the third floor. A total of 50 people from the company's leadership, employee representatives, advanced individuals, special guests, he lessee experts and Yinhe road street trade union attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Su Zhanyun, deputy general manager.


At the beginning of the meeting, President Su, the host, announced the beginning of the meeting. With the loud sound of the national anthem, all stood up and sang the National Anthem together. Then Zhao Bo, the chairman and general manager of the company, made a work report on the 2020 business situation description and work deployment in 2021. The report focused on the title of taking scientific and technological innovation as the guide, adhering to the original intention to forge ahead and creating a new situation of healthy and sustainable development of Keli company, reviewed the work in 2020, analyzed the situation faced by the company, and finally arranged and deployed the work in 2021.

At the meeting, Huo Dan, chairman of the trade union, made the 2020 work report of the trade union, Ma Hongmei, chief financial officer, made the 2020 financial report of the trade union, he Zhigang, chief safety officer, made the 2020 work safety briefing, and Zhao Jiali, deputy director of the human resources Department, informed the implementation of the collective contract in 2020. All the participants voted to approve the work reports.

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The second item on the agenda of the meeting was the general election of the third trade union committee. Zhu Yiyun, member of the trade union organization, read out the management measures for the general election, and then the employee representatives voted for the election. Due to time constraints, the voting and counting work was carried out after the meeting.

The third item on the agenda of the meeting was the exciting commendation of the advanced. Bu Kuiyong, deputy general manager, read out the commendation document and hoped that the winners would make persistent efforts and achieve better results. Then, the leaders presented awards to the advanced individuals and collectives and took a group photo as a souvenir. Duan Xiongfeng and Xia Weiwei spoke on behalf of advanced individuals, respectively, about their work in their posts and their experience in coming to Keli company, expressed their gratitude to the company, and expressed that they would study hard and complete their work better in their future work.

Finally, the chairman made a concluding speech. Looking back on the extraordinary 2020, we have both proud achievements and unsatisfactory setbacks. 2021 is coming. Facing the opportunities and challenges, we can only go head-on. The company should "play a game of chess, work together, calculate together, create benefits and seek development". We should not forget our original intention and make continuous efforts. We should adhere to the original intention of "becoming a leading oilfield engineering technology service expert", lock the goal, not relax, and draw a blueprint to the end, Do "four don't relax". First, adhere to "team building is not relaxed" and second, adhere to "innovative development is not relaxed". Third, adhere to "market service is not relaxed". Fourth, adhere to the "safety and quality do not relax".

The struggle has gone through hardships and the achievements have not come easily. In the past year, the company has been united, determined to forge ahead and experienced severe tests. It is not easy! The growth of the market, the innovation of science and technology and the growth of projects reflect the practical responsibility of all cadres and employees and the scientific spirit of "self-improvement, integrity, innovation and development".


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